Auralite 23 Crystal Properties

Psychic Abilities, Connection, Focus

Gems By LYC
3 min readMay 15, 2023

Aka: Red Cap Amethyst

Spiritual Properties

  • Facilitates deep meditation
  • Increases psychic sensitivity
  • Helps you remember past lives
  • Helps you release old karmic patterns
  • Accelerates spiritual evolution and transformation
  • Offers you a deeper connection to higher spiritual powers
  • Increasing and strengthening psychic sensitivity and lucid dreaming
  • Helps you get in touch with your inner spirituality and connect with your true self
  • Can provide the inner space needed to release energy and enable your spirit to breathe

Mental Properties

  • Improves focus
  • Quiets mental chatter
  • Improves intuitive abilities
  • Brings clarity, focus, awareness and self-confidence
  • Opens your mind to receiving more powerful energies
  • Enhances healing, personal development, and intuition
  • Encourages inner solitude, self reflection, and self knowing
  • Reminds you to look around and see the many blessings in your current life
  • Unites intuition with logic, and encourages you to focus on solving problems
  • Encourages you to make self-care a priority and to be much kinder to yourself
  • Helps you to clearly identify, prioritize and tackle our most important problems
  • Helps you make peace with your past and present, and then focus all of your energy on moving forward into the future
  • Helps you move from thinking and talking about the things you wish to accomplish, to actively engaging in the work and bringing your dreams into reality

Emotional Properties

  • Eases anxiety
  • Clears the emotional body
  • Offers you a deeper feeling of serenity
  • Soothes your spirit during times of stress or worry
  • Removes any attachments to self-limitation and shows you an expansive view of the world and our place in it
  • Nudges us to be more generous, loving and forgiving in all our relationships, including that most private one with ourselves

Kundalini Properties

  • Releases energetic blocks
  • Stimulates the crown and third eye chakras
  • Has a deeply intense energy, not recommended for beginners
  • Helps you balance your energies and live life without being drawn into negative patterns


  • Chakras: All
  • Energy: Projective and Receptive
  • Planets: All
  • Element: Earth and Air
  • Zodiacs: All
  • Number: 9


  • The powerful and divine energy flows to and through me
  • I am focused
  • I acquire higher spiritual knowledge

Health Benefits

  • Helps fight against addictions
  • Stimulates cellular regeneration
  • Helps with physical tension and stress, as well as muscle pain
  • Helps us to adopt behaviors that will help our body rest and combat insomnia

Physical Properties

Color: shades of red and chevron, Purple

Habit: Normally pyramidal terminations, sometimes prismatic

Rarity: Very Rare

Luster: Vitreous

Species: Quartz

Zoning: Present

Parting: Absent

Streak: White

Gravity: 2.7 to 5.28

Tenacity: Brittle

Fracture: Conchoidal, uneven

Cleavage: {0110} Indistinct

Hardness: 5.5 to 7

Locations: North of Lake Superior in Ontario, Canada.

Twinning: Absent

Inclusions: Gold, Silver, Nickel, Copper, Limonite, Iron, Covellite, Sphalerite, Chalcopyrite, Epidote, Gilalite, Bornite, Rutile, Goethite, Pyrolusite, Pyrite, Magnetite, Lepidocrosite, Ajoite, Hematite, Titanite, Cacoxenite

Dispersion: 0.014

Chatoyancy: Absent

Pleochroism: unknown

Fluorescence: unknown

Birefringence: unknown

Diaphaneity: Translucent to opaque

Melting point: unknown

Luminescence: Green, weak (short wave)

Chemical Name: Silica

Refractive Index: 1.544–1.553

System/Structure: Hexagonal/trigonal

Optical properties: Uniaxial (+), w=1.543–1.545, e=1.552–1.554

Chemical Formula: n{SiO2} p{FeO(OH)•nH2O} q{CuS} r{(Zn, Fe)S} s{CuFeS2} t{Ca2(Al2, Fe)(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH)} u{Cu5Si6O17•7H2O} v{Cu5FeS4} w{TiO2} x{α-FeO(OH)} y{MnO2} z1{FeS2} z2{Fe2+Fe3+2O4} z3{γ-Fe3+O(OH)} z4{(K, Na)Cu7AlSi9O24(OH)6•3H2O} z5{Fe2O3} z6{CaTiSiO5} z7{Fe3+24AlO6(PO4)17(OH)12•75H2O}

Chemical Classification: Tectosilicate



Gems By LYC
Gems By LYC

Written by Gems By LYC

Gems By LYC strives to inform crystal enthusiasts of the proper knowledge of their gemstones and provide quality and affordable gemstones.

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