Dendritic Agate Crystal Properties

Nature, Self-discovery, Abundance

Gems By LYC
4 min readMay 18, 2023

Aka: Dendritic Opal, Tree Agate

Spiritual Properties

  • Attracts prosperity
  • Changes your flow of luck
  • Strengthens family connections
  • Brings abundance into your life
  • Can help deepen your meditation
  • Connected to the earth’s vibrations
  • Aids in environmental work of any kind
  • Helps you channel messages from tree spirits
  • Helps to root you into the earth so you feel more grounded

Mental Properties

  • Beneficial for self analysis
  • Helps you understand yourself
  • Encourages you to speak your truth
  • Helps you make peace with your past
  • Helps you get rid of arrogance and egoism
  • Helps one see their lives clearly and honestly
  • Promotes clarity, motivation, and good actions
  • Brings stability during times of strife or confusion
  • Helps you deeply appreciated nature and all living things
  • Promotes perseverance and the ability to see life’s difficulties as a challenge
  • Will help you work behind the scenes and achieve all that you want to achieve

Emotional Properties

  • Enhances energy and vitality
  • Brings peace to a troubled mind
  • Brings feelings of hope and inner peace
  • Promotes self acceptance and self confidence
  • Boost self -confidence when things go wrong
  • It has a heart based energy that strengthens family bonds
  • It will make more room for positivity in your relationships
  • It will help you work diligently and ignore all the things that cause you confusion and pain
  • It’s also a good stone to have when you’re pregnant because it can encourage lactation and help new mothers deal with postpartum depression

Kundalini Properties

  • Connects all of the chakras
  • Opens and aligns the chakras
  • Helps clear blockages in your energy field to open up a flow of money and prosperity
  • It will help stabilize your energy so that your always a pleasant person to be around


  • Chakras: Root, Heart, Crown
  • Energy: Receptive
  • Planets: Earth, Mercury
  • Element: Earth
  • Zodiacs: Virgo, Gemini
  • Number: 3


  • I am connected to the natural cycles of life
  • I embrace the sunshine as well as the rain, and in this way, I am in balance with all life
  • The earth is my mother. I am one with all that is, and i am connected with the sacred energy of the trees, plants, and shrubs

Health Benefits

  • Helps to increase your fertility
  • Can balance the water in the body
  • Can help boost your immune system
  • Helps with ear imbalances and dizziness
  • Can strengthen cardiac muscles and the chest
  • Works to alleviate back pain caused by tension and stress
  • Heals the nervous system and conditions such as neuralgia
  • Can help with ailments affecting the nerves and the blood capillaries
  • It will help improve your mental functions and help give you mental clarity
  • Can be used to cure fevers, relieve headaches, and stimulate the digestive system
  • An effective stone when it comes to aligning the vertebra in certain skeletal disorders
  • It can be beneficial to the eyes and to those who are suffering from insomnia or sleepwalking

Physical Properties

Color: Colorless, gray, or white, and it usually displays tree or fern-like manganese and iron inclusions

Habit: Usually as banded or layered botryoidal masses with microfibrous structure

Rarity: Common

Luster: Dull vitreous to Greasy

Species: Quartz

Zoning: Color banding and layers of inclusions are common

Parting: Absent

Streak: White

Gravity: 2.57–2.64

Tenacity: Brittle

Fracture: Conchoidal to Splintery

Cleavage: Absent

Hardness: 6.5 to 7.0

Locations: Uruguay, India, Brazil Botswana, Turkey, and the United States

Twinning: Absent

Inclusions: manganese- or iron-oxides

Dispersion: Low

Chatoyancy: Absent

Pleochroism: Absent

Fluorescence: Absent

Birefringence: Weak, 0.005 to 0.009

Diaphaneity: Transparent to opaque

Melting point: 1,600 C

Luminescence: Absent

Chemical Name: Silicon dioxide (aka silica)

Refractive Index: 1.53–1.55

System/Structure: Trigonal

Optical properties: N/a

Chemical Formula: SiO2

Chemical Classification: Tectosilicate



Gems By LYC

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