Hematoid Quartz Crystal Properties

Self-Esteem, Transmute, Focus

Gems By LYC
3 min readMay 18, 2023

Aka: Harlequin Quartz, Fire Quartz, Spectacularite Quartz, Red Quartz, Ferruginous Quartz

Heat Treated Hematoid Quartz

Spiritual Properties

  • Inspires you to manifest new beginnings
  • Promotes spiritual growth and higher awareness
  • Strengthens the mind, body, and spirit connection
  • Assists during astral travel, dream-work, and shamanic journeying
  • Manifests dreams into physical reality by enhancing focus and concentration
  • Helps enhance psychic abilities by providing a clear connection to your higher self
  • Contains both the amplification properties of quartz and the balance and stability of hematite
  • Reveals your life purpose and where you need to apply effort in order to attain what you want
  • When held in meditation it brings up past life issues from previous incarnations which are still affecting your present life

Mental Properties

  • Boosts concentration and focus
  • Aids you in seeking a new path or ideas
  • Helps bring will and courage into your life
  • Will make you realize that you can learn from your previous mistakes
  • Improves willpower and boosts self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth
  • Aids in communication between those areas of your life that are in conflict
  • Enhances your awareness beyond the painful experiences to a more enlightened perspective
  • Helps you understand the difference between an unconscious reaction and a conscious response
Golden Healer Hematoid Quartz

Emotional Properties

  • Brings optimism into your life
  • Calms you down in moments of distress or anger
  • Transforms old hurts into a loving self-forgiveness
  • Balances the opposite sides of the emotional spectrum
  • Fosters calmness and patience in animals and children alike
  • Heals the heart and allows you to love freely without fear of being hurt again
  • Brings understanding and clarity to your emotions helping you to perceive the difference between conscious responses and unconscious reactions

Kundalini Properties

  • Balances yin and yang energies
  • Dissolves imbalances in your aura
  • Provides a protective shield around the aura
  • Transforms negative energy into positive energy
  • Removes the darkness from your mind and body
  • Grounds chaotic energy from the crown chakra down to the root
  • Removes negative energies attached to you through psychic attacks or unhealthy relationships


  • Chakras: Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus
  • Energy: Receptive
  • Planets: sun, Earth
  • Element: Fire, Earth
  • Zodiacs: Scorpio, Libra, Pisces, Aquarius
  • Number: 7


  • I am balanced and calm
  • I make all my decisions consciously and for my highest and greatest good

Health Benefits

  • Boosts the immune system
  • Enhances physical vitality
  • Cleanses toxins from the physical body
  • Used in the treatment of blood disorders
  • Helpful if you suffer with ADD and ADHD
  • Strengthens the functions of the liver and kidney
  • Increases blood circulation which enhances oxygenation in cells
  • Used on the scalp for stimulating healthy hair growth while treating skin disorders like psoriasis or eczema

Physical Properties

Color: Colorless with red inclusions as well as pale yellow to a deep rust color

Habit: Crystallized in masses, nodules, clusters, druzy, as well as inclusions within existing Quartz

Rarity: Common

Luster: Vitreous

Species: Quartz

Zoning: Possible

Parting: Absent

Streak: White

Gravity: 2.65 to 2.91

Tenacity: Brittle

Fracture: Conchoidal

Cleavage: {0110} Indistinct

Hardness: 7

Locations: United States, Brazil, Madagascar, China, Switzerland, South Africa, Morocco, and Germany

Twinning: Possible, rare

Inclusions: Hematite and iron oxide

Dispersion: 0.013

Chatoyancy: Absent

Pleochroism: Absent

Fluorescence: Absent

Birefringence: +0.009

Diaphaneity: Transparent to Opaque

Melting point: A-quartz — 1670 °C, B-quartz — 1713 °C

Luminescence: Pale yellow, white, or blue (short and long wave)

Chemical Name: Silicon

Refractive Index: 1.544 to 1.553

System/Structure: Trigonal/Hexagonal

Optical properties: Uniaxial (+)

Chemical Formula: SiO2,

Chemical Classification: Silicon Dioxide



Gems By LYC
Gems By LYC

Written by Gems By LYC

Gems By LYC strives to inform crystal enthusiasts of the proper knowledge of their gemstones and provide quality and affordable gemstones.

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