Rhodonite Crystal Properties
Self Esteem, Emotional Balance, Healing

Spiritual Properties
- Soothes the soul
- Grounds your spiritual practice
- Used to clear the psychic centers
- Invites you to enhance your unique gifts
- Helps you feel sure and secure about your purpose
- Has a calming effect and helps quiet psychic energies
- Helps you integrate your spirituality into everyday life
- Shows you the spiritual gifts and abilities that have been hidden
- Can provide a psychic link to the pattern of your personal destiny
- Recognizes that you have a unique way of inspiring change in the world
Mental Properties
- Clears Confusion
- Relaxes the mind
- Dispels uncertainty
- Helps you be a service to others
- Decreases hasty decision making
- Used to clear the psychic centers
- Connects your mind to your heart
- Helps one discover hidden talents
- Helps you to understand your purpose
- Allows you to reach your full potential
- Helps you feel apart of your community
- Helps you be more generous and alturic
- Aids you in achieving your highest potential
- Promotes relaxation and brings a sense of well being
- Helps dispel negative states of mind, such as confusion and anxiety
Emotional Properties
- Raises self worth
- Encourages forgiveness
- Keeps emotions grounded
- Promotes the energy of love
- Brings love, heals, and calm
- Clears away emotional wounds
- Heals emotional shock and panic
- Heals the heart and relationships
- Helps you forgive yourself and others
- Balances the emotions and the emotional body
- Increases and aids in self esteem and confidence, and assurance
- Helps ease the feelings of loneliness, commitment, and betrayal
- Provides grounded support during tines of heartache and sorrow
- An emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past
- Restores balance to your emotional body after a period of grief following a loss or disappointment
- Shows you that revenge is a self destructive feeling and will help you remain calm in upsetting situations
- Surfaces unnecessary suppressed feelings such as, anger, abandonment, betrayal, resentment, fear and terror from past and present issues and helps you remove them

Kundalini Properties
- Grounds energy
- Balances yin-yang
- Wards off negativity
- Supports your expression of energy
- Stimulates, clears and activates the heart
- Supports the flow of chi through the meridians of the body and directs it through the endocrine system
- Chakras: Root and Heart
- Energy: Receptive
- Planets: Mars
- Element: Earth, Fire
- Zodiacs: Taurus
- Number: 9

- I am living the life i want to live
- I use my gifts to fulfill my soul’s purpose
- I release old emotional wounds and open my heart to love
Health Benefits
- Reduce scarring
- Stimulates fertility
- Relieves insect bites
- Stimulates the metabolism
- Soothes the nervous system
- Aids growth of the bones and ears
- Eases inflammation of joints and arthritis
- Strengthens the tissues, organs and glands
- Supports the liver during the detoxification process
- Helpful for ridding the body of gallstones or kidney stones
- Treats emphysema, auto-immune diseases and stomach ulcers
- Supports for weight loss, detoxification and purification of the body

Physical Properties
Color: Red, Pink, Brownish-red, Gray
Habit: Tabular crystals, massive, granular
Twins: Rare, Lamellar, composition plane {010}
Rarity: Rare
Luster: Vitreous to pearly
Species: Proxene
Zoning: Absent
Parting: Absent
Streak: White
Gravity: 3.57–3.76
Tenacity: Brittle
Fracture: Conchoidal to uneven
Cleavage: Perfect on {110} and {110}, (110) ^ (110) = 92.5°; good on {001}
Hardness: 5.5 to 6.5
Locations: Germany, Sweden, Russia, Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Madagascar, South Africa, India, Australia, Canada and the USA
Inclusions: Black Manganese, Fowlerite, Calcite, Iron
Dispersion: Absent
Chatoyancy: Absent
Pleochroism: Weak
Fluorescence: Weak
Birefringence: 0.013
Diaphaneity: Opaque to translucent
Named After: Comes from the greek word rhodon meaning rose
Melting point: 1244 degrees celsius
Discovered In: 1790 in the Ural Mountains
Luminescence: Absent
Discovered By: German naturalist Christoph Friedrich Jasche
Chemical Name: Magnanese Silicate
Refractive Index: nα = 1.711–1.738, nβ = 1.714–1.741, nγ = 1.724–1.751
Optical properties: Biaxial (+)
Chemical Formula: (Mn2+,Fe2+,Mg,Ca)SiO3
Chemical Classification: Manganese Inosilicate
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